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Spain opens EU Week for Seasonal Workers with events focusing on rights

Spain opens EU Week for Seasonal Workers with events focusing on rights

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EURES Spain organized, in cooperation with the National Public Employment Service (SEPE) two events in the context of the EU Week for Seasonal Workers.


Institutional Meeting with Social Partners, Madrid, Spain, 20 September 2021

The event was supported by the participation of the Executive Director of ELA, Cosmin Boiangiu, as well as the National Liaison Officer for the European Labour Authority (ELA) in Spain, Javier Suquía. 100 participants from the most distinguished institutions related to the labour market attended the event.

The meeting was headed by the Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Employment and Social Economy, and attended by the Secretary of State of Labour, the General Director of the National Employment Service (SEPE), the General Director of the National Body of Labour Inspection and Social Security, and the General Director of Migration.  In addition, the most relevant representatives of the Social Partners (CCOO, UGT-FICA) and the Professional Agrarian Organisations (ASAJA, UPA, COAG), all of them active agents in the dissemination in Spain of the ELA-EURES campaign, were present. 
The meeting was streamed. Watch the video

Information Webinar for staff of Regional Public Employment Services of Spain, 21 September 2021

The webinar was at technical level and addressed the staff of the 17 Regional Public Employment Services (PES). The Deputy Director for ALMP of SEPE, the National Liaison Officer for ELA in Spain, the National Coordinator of EURES Spain, as well as the representatives of the Social Partners and the Professional Agrarian Organizations involved in seasonal work participated in the webinar.

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