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Framework Contract on ELA Capacity Building Centre and EURES Training Programme (ELA/2021/OP/02)


Publication date
Opening date
Deadline date


Open procurement procedure to conclude:  

  • a framework contract in cascade for Lot 1 – ELA Capacity Building Centre and;  
  • a single framework contract for Lot 2 – EURES Training Programme. 

Lot 1 - The Authority is aiming to establish an ELA Capacity Building Centre in order to channel its capacity building efforts in its different areas of activities. ELA aims to provide consistency and continuity with its capacity building activities while allowing for flexibility to respond to future challenges within the scope the Authority is operating in. 

Lot 2 - The main objective of this lot is to assist ELA in the implementation of EURES Training Programme and ensure its smooth continuation after its transfer to ELA. The contractor will be  responsible for maintaining the quality of the training offer and the further development of all activities under the Consolidation phase and the EURES Academy. They will also be expected to handle administration, IT, logistics, implementation and follow-up of the activities, while liaising with the EURES National Coordination Offices (NCOs) and helping to grow the EURES network. 

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 13/09/2021, 12:00 Brussels time. 

All documents are available via:  

Note: ELA is using eTendering platform for managing this call for tender, which consists of the publication of procurement documents and the management of questions and answers concerning the specifications and the procedure. 

Please follow the relevant links to gain access to all procurement documents. The documents are visible and downloadable, but in order to use some options on the eTendering website, you will need to register and log in. It is the tenderer’s responsibility to check for updates and modifications to the tendering documentation during the tendering period on eTendering platform.