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Ex-ante publicity for contract: Negotiated procedure to conclude a low-value contract: Development of a framework for the Cooperation and Exchange of Information between ELA and National Authorities in EU Member States (ELA/2022/LVP/0003)

ClosedNegotiated procedures

Procurement details

Publication date
Reference number

Procurement description

The European Labour Authority (ELA) is a Union body established by Regulation (EU) 2019/1149. Its aim is to ensure that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are enforced in a fair, simple and effective way and to make it easier for citizens and businesses to reap the benefits of the internal market. 

The purpose of this call for tender is to procure a consultancy service to support the Authority in the execution of its tasks, with respect to the obligations arising from Articles 7 and 32 of the above mentioned founding Regulation. The contractor who will be awarded this tender will be asked to provide a set of documents (business processes, workflows, as well as a list of required templates, forms and similar artefacts). The target group of these services is the National Liaison Officers  responsible for enforcement of labour mobility and social security rules. 

The tasks foreseen under the contract are: 

  • Formulate procedures within the context of Business Analysis and Business Process Re-engineering 

  • Identify and design a set of standardised Business Processes  

  • Design Workflows for the newly designed Business Processes 

  • Identify a list of required documents related to the Business Processes and the underlying Workflows 

  • Design artefacts that will be used as formal notation in the design of future software modules 

  • Reporting 

The Contractor is expected to deliver: 

  • A document which clearly articulates in layman's terms all of the activities falling under Articles 7 and 32 of the ELA founding Regulation, within the context of Cooperation and Exchange of Information between ELA and National Authorities in European Union Member States. 

  • A document which summarises the outcomes of all interviews conducted with the relevant stakeholders. 

  • A document which includes a set of newly created business process. All business processes should be depicted via appropriate textual and diagrammatic representations in such a way that they can be easily understood by all stakeholders. 

  • A document which includes appropriate workflows pertaining to all newly created Business Process. All workflows should be depicted via appropriate textual and diagrammatic representations in such a way that they can be easily understood by all stakeholders. 

  • Test cases that will be used to verify the effectiveness of the newly designed workflows. The contractor will be expected to also administer the execution of the testing. 

  • A list of required documents that all National Liaison Officers will be using to carry out their tasks successfully. 

  • A set of artefacts (based on the identified Business Processes and Workflows) which in due course will be used as input for the creation of Software modules. The notation used to depict these artefacts will be decided by the Contractor. Nevertheless, it should be one that is widely used in the design and development of Computer Software such as UML, Booch, OOSE, OMT or similar. 

  • A set of status reports summarising the work done for each main task. These status reports should include accomplishments, and problems which were encountered as well as how these problems were tackled. 

  • A final report which will serve as the de-facto document that ELA will refer to in the execution of all business related to the Cooperation and Exchange of Information between ELA and National Authorities in European Union Member States. 

The maximum amount for this contract is EUR 50,000

Indicative time schedule and contact point 
The indicative time schedule for launching the negotiated procedure is April 2022. Interested economic operators can express their interest to participate in this negotiated procedure until 25 April 2022 at 18.00 CET in writing to cooperation-supportatela [dot] europa [dot] eu (cooperation-support[at]ela[dot]europa[dot]eu). The indicative date to sign the contract is June 2022. 

The estimated performance period of the resulting contract is 6 months (contract not renewable). 

Protection of personal data 
If processing a tender involves the recording and processing of personal data (such as name, address and CV), this data will be processed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 2018/1725. Unless indicated otherwise, any personal data will be processed solely for evaluation purposes under the negotiated procedure by the Executive Director of ELA. Details concerning the processing of personal data are available in the privacy statement. The tenderer's personal data may be registered in the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES) if the tenderer is in one of the situations mentioned in Article 136 of the Financial Regulation. For more information, see the privacy statement.

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