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Posting of workers | DEMO

This is a page that describe the ELA topic: Posting workers

Posting of workers in the European Union means temporary employment of workers from one EU member state in another member state. It is based on the principle of freedom of movement of services within the EU. 

Approximately 3.6 million postings involving around 2.6 million workers are estimated in the EU. Remarkably, 1.2 million workers are active in two or more Member States, highlighting the extensive nature of labour mobility in the European Union.  

The main sectors for posted workers include construction, manufacturing, transport (road/freight), warehousing, financial, professional, scientific, and administrative activities, as well as human health and social work activities. 

Implementation and enforcement of legislation on the posting of workers face several challenges:  

  • accessibility and availability of information on applicable rules,  
  • complex mobility patterns (such as subcontracting schemes, letterbox companies, and bogus self-employment),  
  • non-compliance with legislation, and  
  • need for improved understanding and cooperation among Member State authorities. 

A growing phenomenon within labour mobility is the posting of third-country national workers. These workers are particularly vulnerable due to their dependence on employers for the renewal of work and residence permits. Third-country national posted workers are at a higher risk of encountering abusive practices, breach of labour rights and employment conditions, and irregular payment of social contributions. ELA considers it important to focus on posting of third-country nationals within the EU labour market. 

ELA's role and tasks

ELA's primary objective in the area of posting of workers is to improve enforcement of existing rules.  

To achieve this, we have set more detailed objectives to enhance accessibility, availability, and understanding of information about posting of workers. Additionally, we aim to improve cross-border enforcement by providing data-driven insights into posting patterns and enhancing the efficiency of administrative cooperation between Member State authorities

At the European Labour Authority, we are committed to ensure fair treatment, to protect workers' rights, and to promote harmonious labour mobility in the posting context. By addressing the challenges and information gaps, we strive to create a more transparent and compliant environment for both employers and workers across the European Union. 

The role of ELA in the posting of workers includes: 

  • Information: ELA provides information to workers, employers, national authorities, social partners and other relevant stakeholders about the rules and obligations related to the posting of workers. 
  • Cooperation and coordination: ELA facilitates cooperation and coordination among the national authorities of EU member states. It promotes the exchange of information, best practices, and experiences to ensure a consistent application of the rules on posting of workers.  
  • Enforcement: ELA supports the enforcement of the rules on posting of workers and facilitates joint and concerted inspections (CJIs). It assists national authorities to monitor compliance with the applicable regulations and ensures that workers' rights are protected.  
  • Capacity building: ELA supports capacity building among national authorities and social partners to enhance their knowledge and expertise in dealing with the posting of workers. This includes providing training programs, workshops, and other forms of support to improve the enforcement and implementation of the rules at the national level. 

Overall, the European Labour Authority plays a crucial role in ensuring the effective enforcement of rules related to the posting of workers. It aims to protect the rights of posted workers, promote fair competition, and facilitate cooperation among EU member states to address any challenges or issues

Ongoing activities

In the area of Posting of workers ELA is currently engaged on two wide ranges of activities where several actions are being planned:

  • Posting of workers in the construction sector 2023/2024: following the discussion with Member States and Social Partners, ELA planned specific activities to address the key issues in the construction sector for 2023 and 2024.  
  • Posting 360: multi-annual mutual learning and understanding programme that aims to improve the exchange of information, enhance administrative cooperation and increase knowledge about EU and national rules as regards the posting of workers.   



  1. 2023


    Leaflet on Posted Workers in the Construction Sector.

  2. 2023


    ELA Report on the Cooperation Practices, Possibilities and Challenges between Member States, Specifically in Relation to the Posting of Third-Country Nationals
    News | Report

  3. 2023


    Thematic meeting on posting of workers of the Working Group on Information

    Launch of the Posting 360 Programme | News

  4. 2022


    Multinational event on posting of workers

    Thematic meeting on posting or workers of the Working Group on Information

  5. 2022


    Launch of the IMI mutual learning programme, established in close cooperation with the European Commission to reinforce cooperation and mutual assistance between Member States by stimulating a more robust and effective use of the Internal Market Information 
    News | IMI Prove 

  6. 2022


    Thematic meeting on posting of workers of the Working Group on Information.

  7. 2021


    Workshop with the National Liaison Offices on the posting of workers.

EU legal framework

Posting of workers is governed by various legal frameworks, including national laws, EU directives and bilateral agreements between countries. These frameworks aim to ensure that posted workers are protected and receive fair treatment, for example in terms of wages, working conditions, and social security benefits, while also promoting the freedom to provide services across borders. 

Relevant EU legislation:   


Communication materials
  • Leaflet “Posted Workers in the Construction Sector: Know your Rights and Obligations” (languages avialable)
  • we can list the relevant ones here or redirect to the document section with a meaningful query


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