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Results (3517)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [RO]

română (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [BG]

български (2.02 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [ES]

español (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [CS]

čeština (2 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [DA]

dansk (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [DE]

Deutsch (2 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [ET]

eesti (1.96 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [EL]

ελληνικά (2.04 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [EN]

English (1.94 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [FR]

français (2 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [GA]

Gaeilge (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [HR]

hrvatski (2.18 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [IT]

italiano (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [LV]

latviešu (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [LT]

lietuvių (1.97 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [HU]

magyar (2 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [MT]

Malti (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [NL]

Nederlands (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [PL]

polski (2 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [PT]

português (1.99 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [SK]

slovenčina (2 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [SL]

slovenščina (1.98 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [FI]

suomi (1.97 MB - PDF)

EURES, recruiting in Europe - A guide for employers [SV]

svenska (1.97 MB - PDF)

Good practice fiche – Spain: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to measure the performance of the Anti-Fraud Office (2023)

English (155.62 KB - PDF)

Good practice fiche – Norway: Communicating with foreign drivers to prevent under-declared work in the road transport sector (2023)

English (204.83 KB - PDF)

Good practice fiche – The Netherlands: Special instruments to tackle undeclared work in goods transport by light commercial vehicles (LCVs) (2023)

English (170.28 KB - PDF)

Good practice fiche – Lithuania: Data mining to identify under-declared employment (2023)

English (183.75 KB - PDF)

Good practice fiche – Estonia: Tackling under-declared work: Open-source information, cooperation, and information exchange within the public sector (2023)

English (197.51 KB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [CS]

čeština (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [BG]

български (1.38 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [ES]

español (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [DA]

dansk (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [DE]

Deutsch (1.37 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [ET]

eesti (1.35 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [EL]

ελληνικά (1.4 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [EN]

English (1.34 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [FR]

français (1.37 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [GA]

Gaeilge (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [HR]

hrvatski (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [IT]

italiano (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [LV]

latviešu (1.37 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [LT]

lietuvių (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [HU]

magyar (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [MT]

Malti (1.37 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [NL]

Nederlands (1.37 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [PL]

polski (1.37 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [PT]

português (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [RO]

română (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [SK]

slovenčina (1.37 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [SL]

slovenščina (1.36 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [FI]

suomi (1.35 MB - PDF)

EURES, finding a job in Europe - A guide for jobseekers [SV]

svenska (1.36 MB - PDF)