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Truck on a road

New rules on the posting of drivers set by Directive (EU) 2020/1057 are applicable as of today. Under the new rules, Member States have the obligation to provide transparent information about the remuneration of posted drivers when they are operating on their territory. Operators will also need to use the Posting Declaration Portal - public interface of the Internal Market Information system (IMI) to submit posting declarations.

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 Healthcare skills are among the most impacted occupations by the pandemic. Picture Unsplash.

The annual shortage and surplus occupations report analyses skills shortages and surpluses in the EU. This report covers the period between the second half of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021, providing insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market.

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Signing in with on the EURES portal with EU Login

As of January 2022, access to accounts on the EURES portal will be available only with EU Login credentials. The EU Login is a European Commission system of authentication for all its IT systems. EU Login has the advantage of increasing security and protection of personal data stored in the portal.

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Italian, Romanian, Slovak and Belgian enforcement authorities cooperated in a concerted inspection on 3 December 2021 that focused on transport companies with branches in all four Member States. The results will be exchanged between the participating Member States to establish whether possible violations of posting rules, working and employment conditions, health and safety or establishment rules occurred.

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The procedures for EU Member States labour mobility dispute mediation and cooperation agreement with SOLVIT now adopted

The procedure for EU Member States labour mobility dispute mediation and the cooperation agreement with SOLVIT were adopted at the latest Management Board meeting of the European Labour Authority (ELA). ELA will be in a position to launch the mediation procedure in 2022. The Rules of Procedures for mediation clarify how ELA could mediate disputes between Member States. The Cooperation Agreement between ELA and SOLVIT, on the other hand, is meant to allow better coordination between ELA and SOLVIT when it comes to case referral and the exchange of information. SOLVIT is a service provided by

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Ribbon cutting

The European Labour Authority (ELA) premises in Bratislava were inaugurated today in the presence of the Prime Minster of Slovakia Mr Eduard Heger and the European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit. On 16 September ELA moved to its headquarters in Bratislava, Slovakia and the first European Union Agency established permanent seat in the Slovak Republic.

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Ribbon cutting

Za prítomnosti predsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pána Eduarda Hegera a eurokomisára pre pracovné miesta a sociálne práva Nicolasa Schmita, boli dnes v Bratislave slávnostne otvorené priestory Európskeho orgánu práce.

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